Friday, September 02, 2011

Oh, hello there!

So this is the month when I'll be turning a quarter of a century, and I decided to resume writing after being gone from here for a year and a half.

Time flies. Sort of.

Looking back at the previous entry, I mentioned wishing for 3 things and the good news is that I've achieved half of them. (hooray!)

Firstly, I got the job. Tried it out and realised the truth of the industry and left. More about that later in another entry. It really does deserve an entry of its own for a complete tell-all.

Secondly, I'm currently a varsity student (hooray again!) which means if I manage to pass every single modules, then I shall attain the goal of being a varsity GRADUATE. So that makes half the wish achieved.

As for the third wish of going into health science one day, it will probably always be on the back of my mind and if I never did see it through some time in the future, then I'm certain it will be my greatest regret. As for now, it shall remain as a precious wish kept away safely at the bottom of my heart.

So yeah, that sums up the difference between my last few thoughts a year and a half back then and now. I did realise half of them and that's a great stride to be honest. I could have forgotten all about them but I didn't.

More importantly, as mentioned, I am turning a quarter of a century this month and I decided that I need to document what I've achieved for myself and to pen down my thoughts and feelings so that I can one day look back and do a review of my progression and changes.

A year and a half brought about a few changes and I wonder what will become of me over the next 5 years? Will I still be writing here when I turn 30? Well that, we shall see.


As for now, I'm back.