Thursday, July 03, 2008

"Good on ya"

Talking to DB only further reaffirm my take on the situation. The familiarity of mutual comprehension and perspectives, only goes to enhance and entice the senses even more.

The following text from Babe stirs the emotions from within. How will I ever find the courage to leave this wonderful lady?

"The second half of the year has just begun. This is the best time to have a brand new start, and dump all the garbage behind! Good luck to the both of us! :)"

The private message from Her made my heart aches with intense longing and anticipation. Just how fast can time flies?

I am right to have stirred clear of the risky territory. The stupid act of crossing the boundary got me into trouble and I can only bear the consequences of the foolish actions. Just what made me crazy enough to sow expectations?

And the least you can do is to be upfront about it and deal with the situation like a real man does. The contradiction between your constant branding of wussy mannerism upon others, and that of the act from you in the moment of truth.

Disappointment is the greatest understatement at this moment.

Being consumed with grief is not my style of dealing with changes, and now it's time to get up and move on. There are many more moments of happiness to erase this insignificant grub.

Just as the conversation with DB.

"Knowing you, you just don't give up easily."

"I'm a fighter, or more blatantly, a weed. Refusing to give up and die."

"So what does that makes me?"

"Greenhouse plant. Given that you prefer your comfort zone."

I'm looking forward to the reunion with the likeminded souls. Of the intellectual fest of cultural differences and political ramblings. Not to mention, the wondrous indulgence of true blue wonky behaviours.

The parks and the river banks.

An all time favourite.

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