Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Almost everyone who comes up with a New Year Resolutions, always never completes it. So why do we still do it anyway? Simply because it gives us something to look forward to, and somehow, signifies the start of something new. We all want to be a better person than we used to be.

And because I'll like to keep up with the tradition, here goes nothing!


1) Get plenty of sleep everyday.

Not going to enforce "at least xx number of hours", as it NEVER works.

2) Hug someone everyday.

The act itself is a healing one, and everyone needs plenty of hugs each day.

3) Cut out drinking.

That means social drinking inclusive. Don't like the idea of alcohol in my system. After my FIRST damn hangover on new year day, I swear it's going to be the LAST as well!

4) No more carbonated drink.

Sugar. Need I say more? Don't need such artificial high.

5) No more potato chips.

Salt. Need I say more? The kidneys!

6) Community service.

Have been playing with that thought for years. Time to put it into action. My way of giving back to the world.

7) Get first aid certification.

The first step to my goal, and an essential skill.

8) Blog more religiously.

After the incident of losing ALL my photos, I can only blame myself for not blogging about them sooner, so that at least I have somewhere to get them back. My Melbourne photos! *sobs*

I'm certain that's more than enough New Year Resolutions for me to break this year. Shall do a review of it when the end of 2008 arrives.

Let's see how I fare then.


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