Sunday, December 13, 2009


Knowing, can be a good thing. At the same time, it can be a bad thing. Whichever nature it takes, depends on how one reacts to the situation of knowing.

You might open up a can of worms which you can't deal with, leading to knowing being a bad thing. Or you can emerge a better person, by learning to deal effectively with the revelation of knowing, which makes it a good thing.

So how will I deal with this new knowledge which I've stumbled upon? I'm taking the road of effective management. Somehow I will come out of it a better person, armed with the knowledge of having known, and with much better understanding of the situation.

Knowing can be a good or bad thing, depending on how you deal with it.

P.S. I'm madly in love with John Mayer. "Battle Studies" is awesome! A pity I can't sing along. Darn it for losing my voice.

I love Life. I am truly blessed to be alive. Everyday is a blessing and a miracle.

I love Life.

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