Saturday, December 05, 2009

New Beginning.

Taking a little at a time, slowly treading into this new territory I've set my heart on, for now.

"Do you foresee yourself being in this industry, 10 years from now?"

The answer is something which I know very well right from the start. This passion is one which will burn out eventually. My heart has long been stolen by something else.

Whether I'll ever get the chance again to embark on my ultimate passion, is something which has been weighing on my mind ever since, and it's slowly imprinting a scar on me. A constant reminder of my failure in not having fought harder for myself. A heart-wrenching lesson learnt, and a heavy price to pay.

I've always counted on my lucky stars to have a smooth sailing life, advancing onto the next stage of life without any stumbling block. Not much effort was ever required from my part, which makes taking things for granted, even more convenient an option. I guess this is my retribution. A sign that I will have to pull up my socks now, otherwise I'm not going to get what I really want.

It is a difficult lesson, and it might, or might not be, a detour. I will like to believe that it is a detour. A stumbling block. I just have to learn to pick myself up and continue on towards my goal. I hope I will have more faith in this. I need to have more faith.

Time has been spent on allowing myself to crumble, and now it's time to pick everything up and reinvent myself. The tough cookie exterior is to be donned again.

I will give my best for what I've pledged myself to, and I will carry through with this new commitment. It is ALL or NOTHING. And I choose ALL.

I will not give up. Despair will be kept at bay.

For I am strong.

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