Friday, January 15, 2010

Get more sleep.

Received an email from the school indicating that there's a credit under my account, and whether I would like to request for a refund or to continue towards future enrolment. As much as I want to, I don't want to put myself through into finding out if there's even a chance for me to get enrolled again in future. It just pains too much to have yet another chance at hope, and to have it dashed again. Having been through it twice, I doubt there's any courage remaining for the third try.

I don't know.

I hate how things are turning out. Personally and professionally.

Speaking of which, it is better to walk away while one is still shining, rather than to fade away into obscurity. It is always better to leave a good parting impression than to screw everything up and destroy all ounce of good on your part.

I hope the fever goes away soon. Stupid viral infection.

On a parting note, I was wondering whether the pain of losing someone is diluted through the dispersion of that pain, over the lot of people who will feel the pain of that lost. Something along the line of pain sharing.

Wouldn't it be better if that is how thing works? Then the pain of losing a treasured one will be shared, and not as concentrated when dealt with individually. That will bring about another meaning to the word "society".

Thoughts are way too random and analytical. Or perhaps more philosophical.

I've been contemplating the closure of this space. It was created with a particular goal in mind, but now that the goal isn't there anymore, I don't know whether there's still any meaning in writing. It doesn't make sense to be penning down my depressive thoughts to the world, when I'm not the worst lot out there. So I ought to shut up and keep it to myself.


I should have ended my life when it was all shiny and bright. Right now, I'm just dull and faded. An over-washed fabric.

Not very exciting.

Good night world. I will try to love you more.

It's better to burn out than to fade away.
- Kurt Cobain

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