Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Times like these.

"I'm just so glad that she's finally found someone to take care of her. She deserves it."

"Oh yeah? Then do you need someone to take care of you?"

Have you ever tried really hard to pick up the pieces and move on, having established a really satisfying and fulfilling life, only to have some monsters from your past catch up with you and rip everything apart?

They tear you away piece by piece, doing it atom by atom, staring you in the eye, and telling you that you deserve it. That no one will ever love you and that is only because you deserve it. That you should stop hoping and thinking otherwise.

They scorn at your courage and attempt in walking out of the loop, and tease that you will forever be cuffed to it, in spite of all your efforts. They belittle you, stabbing a knife into your spinal cord, twisting the blade, mangling up your nerves and ability to move away once more.

They trap and corner you, treating you as a specimen and as a remainder of what you really ought to be.

Times like these are so tough to deal with, but you crawled out of it everytime. You heal yourself and begin walking, rebuilding everything you can with all you're left with.

Yet times and times again, those selfish and ugly monsters hunt you down and take you down.

You often wonder when will this end, and if there will ever be a happy ending for yourself. You latch on to whatever ounce of hope and faith that is left inside of you after each ordeal. You cling on tightly and you pushes on.

Is the silver lining a myth? Will there be sunshine after the rain? Is there really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Life is tough. Others have it tougher.

You will survive this. You will walk out of it once more. Don't give up on me. You're a trooper and you know that. You're a fighter.

Believe once more.

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